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Post Date Thursday 10th Oct 24

What a beautiful morning after the horrendous rain and floods. All well here at Jubilee since our Lakes are fed from underground and aren't affected by run off water. Fishing just as usual and no need to book!!

Lakes from our door

View of the lower lake from our door this morning.

Post Date Wednesday 12th June

Keeping up the good work. Lake management. Looks drastic but this is pretty much standard from May to September/ October and keeps the Lakes right for fishing - and it definitely keeps us fit! 

Jubilee lakes weed management

Monday 11th June

Had a great Open Day. Even the weather was kind. Congratulations to our lucky open day winners.
Jordan picked up his Vision Toka Fly Rod and was spotted later in the day on the Tees.
Lewis popped in to pick up his Stonfo Kaiman Vice last weekend, I think his grin say it all. Happy tying!
Thank you everyone for yet another amazing turn out. Sandra, Dave & Angie

Open Day at Jubilee Lakes

Thursday 23rd May

Finally managed to get the weed cut on our top lake. We've had such a wet winter that we couldn't go up there with the JCB and tractor. They'd just have got bogged down. Finally a bit of dry weather and so we blitzed it Monday & Tuesday. Good job done - and just in time. It's never stopped raining since!!


Tractor waiting to make a start  Weed cut & nets in place

Weed cut, nets in place. About to start the manual labour with a lot of help from the JCB. Just love weed clearance!!

Saturday 18th May

Just a reminder that our lakes are closed for fishing this Saturday 18th 2024 for our annual Vision/ RIO Day. If you'd like to come along the day will be from 10am until 2pm. As usual no need to book. 


  • Tackle Raffle for the new Vision Toka Fly Rod
  • Tying Raffle for the Stonfo Kaiman Vice
  • 10% Off our prices on Vision & RIO Rods, Outfits, Reels & Flylines.
  • Plus Special Offers here in the shop


If you can't make your choice while you're here on the day or can't make it to the day we'll continue that Extra 10% off Vision Rods, Reels & Outfits and RIO Lines online from the day, this Saturday 18th until Midnight 22nd May. Use Offer Voucher Code SHOW24 at checkout for 10% Discount as above. 

Casting Demo at Jubilee Lakes

Jim Fearn, AAPGAI will be here from Vision/ RIO with tackle & flylines. Try them yourself. Match them up with Jim's guidance on our Lakes
John Walker Jnr, APGAI will be demonstrating River Wear fishing techniques including casting methods & tackle choices to match conditions.

Just a note - Not ideal for younger children & sorry no dogs

Update - Monday 6th May 2024

Well the lakes re-opened just over a month ago on May 28th. Having had two years of problems with the lower lake we're very pleased to say that all is going well. The trout seem very happy and in fact they're rising more freely than we've seen them for years. A whole range of catching patterns. Especially buzzers and diawls bachs doing really well but other patterns, the orange blob, also the olive zonker especially effective when stripped back fast on the top lake and also CDC emergers up there. Some huge Daddies about the place so watch this space - should think they'll be on the trout's menu very shortly!

Jubilee Lakes April 2024

Trout Rising

Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Trout rising everywhere this afternoon but usually not when my camera was pointing at them. Managed to snap one or two though. Lakes have been open for three weeks now and the fishing has been generally excellent, unlike the weather! No need to book though to be safe we'd maybe recommend giving us a ring if your travelling from far - 01388772611. Best patterns have been variable but overall the Wicked White Buzzer & Diawl Bach have done very well.

Lakes Re-Opened 28th March 2024 .....

At last we are pleased to say that our Lakes are open again. We'll be keeping our usual hours 10-4 Thursday, Friday, inc Good Friday & 10-2 Saturday. We have changed our tickets. All tickets are now £20.00 but give the option of taking the first tout if you'd like to. Not a problem though if you would prefer to return it. We are also offering a £25.00 two fish ticket. All tickets include eight returns on each lake - 16 returns in total. Adult & Child Tickets and 'Season Tickets' are also available. Please go to for full details. Usually no need but it may be advisable to book or phone in before setting out with the Lakes just re-opening. We were beginning to think our Lakes would never re-open and we know many of you were beginning to think the same!!

New Season Update 5th March 2024

Our Anglers Lodge Tackle Shop is open again, usual hours 10-4 Thursday, Friday & 10-2 Saturday. We stocked the lakes last week and have given time to see how the trout settled. So far so good. We are stocking more trout this week and then we'll see how things are looking with a view to re-opening the lakes for fishing later in the month. 

New Season Update 27th February 2024

Our Anglers Lodge Tackle Shop will be re-opening this Thursday 29th February. We've spent a lot of the time we've been closed going through the stock, adding new stock and getting it well displayed. Would have been nice to have been able to have spent as much time round the lakes but the ground has been ringing wet. There was no chance of taking our tractor round them to do the winter work we wanted on the hedges. Still we're putting trout in the Lakes at last. We had the EA helping us last year and more recently doing additional heavy metal tests but still no real result so trout in the Lake and fingers crossed. We want them to get cosy in there, make sure they're OK and then so a long as all goes well we hope to be re-opening very shortly. Keep you updated as soon as we are certain. Dave & Sandra

Christmas is coming....

And no the lakes still aren't open but the EA have taken more samples and we hope the results might be back soon - would be a great Christmas Gift for us! We've been here 35 years and almost every year our lakes have frozen the last week in November. No exception this year. Image on the left with frozen lakes was taken this Thursday 30th November. 

Jubilee Lakes November 30th 2023  Jubilee Lakes Sunday 3rd Nov 2023

Update on the Lakes...

We had planned to be open the Lakes again but the EA are still recommending not. We are having new tests done now and this time for heavy metals so let's hope something will come of them. 

Happy 30th Birthday to the Anglers Lodge Tackle Shop - And Happy 35th Birthday to Jubilee Lakes!

Note - You need to read these Anniversary posts in reverse order starting with the first post below.

4th Post

We’re rounding up our Anniversary posts with a trip down memory lane before the dreaded computer system came into play. Orders came in by telephone and even letter with cheques in! We posted 1000’s of copies of our Anglers Lodge catalogues from 1996 until the internet landed and we went all high tech! The family had to get involved for some of the photo shoots, Dave has opted to not share snaps of his outfit
Grandkids have pestered us to add images of our paw friends from over the years too.

3 First Catalogues   Our Redwood

Left: These were some of the early editions of our catalogues, some of them even had up to 8 pages of colour.

Top Right: Bonnie. Like all of our dogs - would rather stay out in the snow!

All catalogues   All catalogues

Family & anyone who could be roped in were used as models in our catalogues. Our son Chris with some dubious looking shades and Mark who you will remember helped us out here for many years. Wasn't too keen as a model but a great help when anglers asked that famous "What's catching" question.

Top Right: Think this was our full range of printed catalogues prior to broadband.

   Inside Cat 3   Anglers Lodge Online 

Left: Pricing flashback for you all! Then Above Right: Modern day technology finally took over from the printed word and The Anglers Lodge online arrived!

Dogs   More Dogs

We were very lucky to have such loving dogs and this was just such a great place for them. Despite the weather would never come in from the rain or snow. Very hairy one to the left of the tyre was our son Chris! Very Top Right: Redwood. Our beautiful white alsation. He was a whopper!

3rd Post

Our 30th/35th anniversary continues! Who remembers the original tackle shop & anglers cabin?? (Old caravan). Pie & peas anyone? We’ve even got a pic of the trusty oven that cooked over a 1000 pies for you all. Not to mention images of building the jetty, now you know how deep the top lake is! 

Original Anglers Lodge Tackle Shop   Into the old shop

Left: The original fly tying shop! All anglers popped in to sign in. Ahead of the times, our accommodation shop, sheds, caravan were painted environmentally friendly green.

Top Right: 1993. First stock in the shop. Note our original fly selection - set out in just two fly boxes.

Shop with fly selection   Mike Clyburn's Paintings

Left: The original tech spec shop complete with wonky cash tin - not a computer in sight, no mobile phones either! Fly tying featured strongly.

Top Right: The beautiful watercolours displayed for sale on our little shop wall were all painted by our good friend and angler Mike Clyburn.

Original anglers cabin   Front of anglers cabin

Left: Side view of the original anglers cabin, (caravan), this came with very comfortable leather bench seats from an old American airforce bus.

Top Right: Anglers could sit in the cabin with a great view across the lakes and many, many hours were spent gossiping about the one that got away.

Cooked 1000 pies   Dave & Cylinder

Left: Here it is! You would believe how many hours this dodgy looking cooker worked for, making amazing tasting pie and mushy peas. Thankfully totally reliable.

Top Right: Construction work on the top lake. Telegraph posts being put into place to form the base of the jetty. Look at the height of Dave as a comparison.

cyl 1   cyl 2

 Cylinder in place over the incoming water and pump being installed inside the cylinder.

Cylinder top lowered   Jetty & cylinder  

Left: Top concrete cylinder being put into place to bring the water level above lake level. From left to right: Dave, concrete cylinder, Sandra & Phil the machine driver.

Top Right: Jetty completed with the concrete cylinder in the back ground still visible as the lake continues to fill up. It’s like waiting for a giant paddling pool to fill!!

Bike & trees   Down the drive

Left: Dave playing in the snow. Look how tiny the trees where then, they’re at least 60ft tall now.

Right: The view from our caravan, our home for many years to come. It might not have been posh but the views were absolutely spectacular.

2nd Post

Continuing our 30th anniversary of the Anglers lodge & 35th Anniversary of Jubilee lakes celebrations here’s part 2 of our #FlashbackFriday and don’t we have a treat today! 1989 we began the epic task of draining the bottom lake and digging tons of silt out and leading it away. Dave’s favourite machines were always rust coloured and generally in the lake, even when they weren’t meant to be!! (See pic) Don’t miss the last 3 photos, the very first delivery of rainbow trout that we ever put in and Dave doing the honours. A very proud day for us.

***Update on lakes, still closed for fishing and just waiting now for the EA to test for heavy metals***

Lakes draining   Machinery

Left: The lake draining.

Right: First of the machinery at work but soon replaced with much heavier equipment.

Tractor in lake   Rusty Drott to rescue

Left: Dave’s driving skills clearly needed a brush up, trying to be helpful but dropped the tractor in the lake!

Right: Using our rusty old drott to pull the tractor out. Amazingly after a bit of tinkering the tractor actually started!

Dave drott driver   Levelling dam

Left: Dave the drott driver, in his favourite place - and he was pretty good at it too!

Right: Levelling up the bottom of the dam. A great casting space when we get strong westerlies.

Constructing the island   Horseshoe

Left: Building the island in the middle of the bottom lake to provide a buffer to prevent waves hitting and eroding the bottom dam.

Right: Horseshoe shape cut into the bottom lake to give the trout a place to hide from the anglers and a deeper area for the them on hot bright days.

Sandra - def not driving   Laurie with first delivery

Left: Sandra taking a tea break on the drott, definitely not allowed to drive it. She’s got a heavy right foot!

Right: A proud moment. Our first delivery of rainbow trout supplied by a good family friend Laurie Guthrie, owner of Brompton on Swale trout farm. Daughter Angie was thrilled to see them arriving.

First net of trout   Dave putting trout in lake

Left: Our very first net full of trout!

Right: Dave stocking the bottom lake for the very first time in 1989. And they're gone!

1st Post 

Did you know the Anglers Lodge has been open for 30 years, in fact the Hayman family arrived at Jubilee Lakes in 1988, 35 years ago! Our initial accommodation consisted of two caravans butted together with a shed for a bathroom and utilities. All mod cons!
We thought a little trip down memory lane would be fun especially while the Lakes themselves are closed at the moment. So here we are arriving and setting up our first home. Sandra, David, Chris & Angie. Check out the captions

Dave moving caravan  Dave & Sandra 1988 

Above Left: One of the two caravans being moved into position for the start of the luxury accommodation!? Was our cosy little home for 7 years & that's us - Dave & Sandra in 1988.

If Dave looked sleepy it's because he was!!

Below Left, daughter Angie - Angie was 11, looking very sleepy but probably just happy that we were busy and hadn’t noticed it was way past her bedtime! Right, son Chris. 14 year old when we landed, only happy covered in mud and loved building bonfires! Great for ground clearance!

Angie   Son Chris


Milk Float Quad

Above Left: Luxury complex completed with in house milk float. To support the fishery Dave continued delivering milk to the local village for almost 10 years after we arrived.

And above right: Not sure if this pic was of the caravans coming together or Dave’s mates quad bike!

Dave on bike

Dave joy riding when he should have been working on that drott stood very quiet behind him - he didn't get much time off!!

Full layout

The full layout of our tatty accommodation, I think the tool sheds were bigger!

Latest post re the Fishing

We had planned to restock this week, (posted Sept 29th) but unfortunately after our latest monitor change last Friday the EA have recommended not. We will be having more tests done in the next few weeks and may know more then. It's been a long summer! Would season ticket holders please contact us directly on 01388772611 during shop opening hours - 10a.m until 4pm Thursday & Friday or 10a.m to 2p.m. Saturday.

Posted 20/06/23

Congratulations to Alan Brown (left) who is the lucky winner of the Stonfo Kaiman Vice and to Peter Reed who is the lucky winner of the Vision Hero Trout Rod draw. We're very pleased for them. 

Alan Brown with Stonfo Kaiman   Pete Reed with Vision Hero

Posted 26th May 2023

Results are in for our Vision / RIO Day Prize Draw - see below!!

Fly Tying Demo - Jonathan Barnes

Jonathan Barnes in action at the Fly Tying Demo - River flies for the Tees

RIO / Vision Day

Jim Fearn starting the days casting

Congratulations to Alan Brown who is the lucky winner of the Stonfo Kaiman Vice and to Peter Reed who is the lucky winner of the Vision Hero Trout Rod draw. Thanks to all those who attended. It was a great day made even better by the weather. Very many thanks for Jim Fearn from RIO/ Vision, John Walker Jnr for his very useful techniques for fishing the River Wear and warmest thanks to Jonathan Barnes who did top class fly tying demos for patterns for the River Wear right throughout the day. 
Most important - thanks to Dave the postman for his impartial raffle ticket picking!!


Posted 26th May 2023

Latest response from the Environment Agency -  

"Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, I only got back from annual leave yesterday and as you can imagine there has been a lot to catch up on! I saw that Phil emailed you regarding the algal samples we took that showed no abnormalities and nothing that would indicate a reason for the fish kill. I have emailed the water quality results we took to one of our specialists to see if she can see something or provide a new suggestion as to why the fish have died, I will let you know when she responds. I have also asked if we can borrow a long-term Sonde that she has which could be useful to put in the centre of the bottom lake where it is the deepest and we can then read the water quality results there to see if there is any difference. I know this is not a long-term solution for you but it’s definitely worth looking into!

Another suggestion we have discussed is the possibility of you moving some of the fish from the top lake into the bottom lake. If some of the fish are moved into the bottom lake and there are no mortalities, then a possibility could be that when you decide to stock it next, if you only stock the top one then once they have acclimatised you can then move them into the bottom lake. It is a bit more of time-consuming option, but it may be that the fish adjust better to the conditions in the top pond than they do the bottom. If you do move the fish and there are some mortalities, then we know there is a definitive issue with the bottom lake. By trialling this, it would also save you from spending money on fish to stock the bottom lake for them all just to die again. In my opinion, it’s worth a try but you would need to put about 20-30 from the top into the bottom in order to prove the effectiveness.

Let me know your thoughts and I will keep you updated when I hear back from the water quality specialist".

Our reply -

It would be very difficult to net the trout back out of that top lake. It has more nooks & crannies unfortunately and more snags for the net. The trout for both lakes were originally both from the same delivery and same tank so should really have been ok in both lakes. I think you are right though and we were planning on only attempting to stock with 20 trout initially to see if they would survive. We're very pleased with the offer to loan us a Sonde. This could be very useful. Hope to hear from you soon with the remaining results. Dave & Sandra

Posted 18th May 2023

Latest Update on the Lakes. Had Ian Doyle from the Angling Trust visit. As with our own test results all tests including ammonia are clear. The EA did find the ammonia higher and we've all found the pH quite high. The EA recommended using Siltex in the lake last winter and this might have increased the pH levels. Nothing obvious though so the conclusion seems to be to allow the pH level to settle. We'll keep it monitored and then try a few trout to see if they survive. We are waiting for more results from the EA so will update again. Just to mention Ian was very kindly introduced to us by Kevin Woodcock and thanks so much to you both for visiting us. Wouldn't care but the lakes look really good - just found this old image and the lakes look just as good same today.

(Shop & Online operating as usual).

Jubilee Lakes

Posted 10th May 2023 - Lakes still closed

Jubilee Lakes water tests

We've been doing tests ourselves with basic test kits as in the image & all clear but last week the Environment Agency arrived with their heavy duty equipment. This is their first response - see below. Our Tackle shop & online are open as usual but while we wait for more EA results the Lakes are still closed.

EA Report 09/05/23:-
"A colleague has had a look at the two samples of water that were taken, including the stirred up sample. In the two spot samples nothing was found that was different to what might have been expected. This included the usual mix of common algal types. Included in the stirred up sample were diatoms more associated with the bed of a lake, which again is exactly as expected. The diatoms were probably giving that greyish haze that was observed, not un-common in spring time (at least from our knowledge of rivers). Diatoms are not known to be toxic to fish (cymbella sp. noted)".

This looks good & all clear but gives us no clue to the cause of the fish mortalities. We'll get a fuller report next week as we can't see why the trout have died. Sorry the lakes are still closed. Dave & Sandra

Posted 27th April 2023 - Lakes Closed

Jubilee Lakes O2 Levels

Dave uninspired by oxygen meter levels...

Like everything else we've repeatedly checked the oxygen levels and they are fine and hold no clue to the problems we're having on our lower lake.

Following on from the two posts below -

Unfortunately CEFAS can't help us as we are a fishery and we'd sort of expected that. We turned to the Environment Agency and they are sending out their Fishery Management team shortly. They aren't optimistic but we will at least have the advantage of another opinion. Fingers crossed. At the moment this is following the same course as last year when we closed for several months. We re-stocked three times then and in each case lost all the stock. We added serious amounts of aeration to the lakes though the O2 levels were already good just as they are now. Nothing helped last year and we just had to let the warm weather pass. Understandable maybe last year when the water temperatures were high but our water temp this year is only 10.5 degrees. Total mystery.

Sorry to mention this again but the tackle shop will remain open 10-4 Thursday & Friday and 10-2 Saturday and we will continue dispatching online orders as usual.

Posted 19th April 2023 - Lakes Closed

A follow on really from our last post. The fishing started to slow and was very tricky by the end of last week. We'd thought it was the changeable wind directions but then decided we must have had a mink or similar. When we have a lot of rain they sometimes come up the beck at the side of the lake and play havoc with the fishing. Initially we weren't losing any fish but to be sure we checked the oxygen levels, pH & etc. All good and no fish at the inlets so we re-stocked on Monday. Now unfortunately the trout in the lakes are dying and so we have no option other than to halt the fishing temporarily until the Environment Agency and Cefas help us to see the problem. Feels like last summer re-visited!

We're very sorry about this but for now it's beyond our control. The tackle shop will remain open 10-4 Thursday & Friday and 10-2 Saturday and we will continue dispatching onlne orders as usual.

Apologies to all our anglers. We'll update with fresh news once we know more. Dave & Sandra

Posted Sunday 16th April 2023- Lakes Closed

Just a message to thank our anglers for fishing here this last week. Our Lakes fished the hardest we’ve known for a long time and even though we warned anglers when they arrived yesterday they still bravely soldiered on. Just want to thank them. Lucky we don’t get many days fishing like this or we’d all be playing golf but with the change in the weather we should be back to normal this next week. Thanks for persisting! Dave & Sandra


Posted Monday 6th March

Andy catching first trout at Jubilee Lakes

Just finished our first week after re-opening and the fishing has been very steady. Andy Rogers caught the first trout just 9 minutes after the Lakes re-opened - and he'd lost one off before that. Caught him off guard. Nearly caught himself a nosey swan as well!

Posted Tuesday 21st February

Our Lakes & Tackle Shop have been closed through the winter. We are due to re-open on Thursday March 2nd at 10am. Unless the Beast from the East arrives then we may delay for a week - check here if in doubt.

Opening Hours from March 2nd: Thursdays & Fridays 10a.m until 4p.m. Saturdays 10a.m until 2p.m.

Posted Saturday 24th December

We'd like to wish you all the very best for Christmas & the New Year. The Lakes & Tackle Shop are closed now for our long winter break probably until March 2nd 2023 but to be confirmed. Online orders will be dispatched throughout that time as usual.

All the best from Sandra, Dave & Angie

Posted Friday 9th December

Merry Christmas Everyone, just a little winter update. The shop is open today till 4pm, Saturday the 10th 10-2pm. Thur 15th, Fri 16th 10-4pm and Sat the 17th 10-2pm. With our final day before the winter break being Thur the 22nd 10-4pm. We are still sending out orders all through the winter season despite the postal problems, orders over £50 will automatically be sent via courier while the strikes continue to ensure delivery.

A frosty note though - our lakes are frozen. Suppose it is December and nearly Christmas!!! We'd just like to take a moment to wish all our customers a very Merry Xmas and to wish you all the very best for 2023.

Sandra, Dave and Angie

Posted Friday 21st October

After a hard summer and being closed for three months the fishing is back to normal and very settled. We never did get to the bottom of the problem but past history. Best patterns for the fishing are right across the board - from  the Cats Whisker, the blob, snakes to wicked whites & even dries - it's pretty mild for the time of year. No need to book but phone 01388772611 if you would prefer.

Opening Hours for Lakes & Shop - Thursday & Friday 10am to 4pm. Saturday 10am to 2pm. 

Posted Friday 21st October

For Fishing - As we've just re-opened it might be better to book on 01388772611. If its the answerphone leave your name, number & preferred day. We'll soon get back to you. 

Opening Hours for Lakes & Shop - Thursday & Friday 10am to 4pm. Saturday 10am to 2pm. 

Posted Tuesday 18th October 2022

We hope the Lakes will open soon!

We've spent the summer waiting for the heat to die down. We've cleared, aerated & treated the Lakes and now hopefully our anglers can come back for some quality fishing. Please phone - we think you'll need to book. Please see below.

Note also - this Friday 21st October we're holding Jim Fearns Vision/ RIO day.
Cancelled last month and with the Lakes just re-opened it wouldn't be fair to to close them for the day. So we're holding a "Tackle Consultation Day" here in the shop with Jim. If you need a new rod or to match up a new line call in for advice. Oct 21st 10am to 3pm. One to one advice and you can nip out to the lake with him to try a rod or line.

For Fishing - As we're just re-opening you'll need to book on 01388772611. If its the answerphone leave your name, number & preferred day. We'll soon get back to you. 

For Jim's Day, Friday 21st - Just call in 10a.m. to 3p.m.

Opening Hours for Lakes & Shop - Thursday & Friday 10am to 4pm. Saturday 10am to 2pm. 


Posted Monday 30th August 2022

In spite of a great deal of additional new aeration and work clearing the Lakes we are still having problems with the trout here. We had closed the Lakes thinking that the problem was the extreme temperatures but unfortunately it seems there's more to it than that. Although the Lakes will remain closed for fishing we will still be going ahead with our planned RIO/ Vision Demo Day from 10a.m until 2p.m on Saturday, September 10th. This is simply because we just can't get in touch with anglers to let them know not to come if we cancelled now. It's a great opportunity for anglers to match up and try rods & lines. I'm sure it will be a great day as always and I know many are looking forward to it but it is overshadowed by the problems we are having here at the moment.

The shop is open as usual - 10am to 4pm Thursday & Friday and 10am to 2pm Saturday. Online orders dispatched every day as normal. Thanks for your patience & apologies for your inconvenience. Dave & Sandra. 

Posted Wednesday July 20th 2022 & Updated Tuesday 26th July

 Dave getting his gear ready for action at Jubilee Lakes

Our trout were feeling the effects of the heatwave so we closed the Lakes for fishing while Dave's been giving the trout some extra tender loving care. The forecast is for more heat to come and so we've decided to extend the time the Lakes are closed to do some planned maintenance work. It will be well worthwhile and won't take too long but we do expect the Lakes to be closed for the next 3 or so weeks. We'll keep this site updated. The shop will be open as usual - 10am to 4pm Thursday & Friday and 10am to 2pm Saturday. Online orders dispatched every day as normal. Thanks for your patience & apologies for your inconvenience. Dave & Sandra. 


Posted Thursday June 9th 2022

Jim Fearn & David Bilbrough from RIO/ Vision are here at our lakes this Saturday 11th June from 10 until around 2pm. Exactly what’s happening? Well it’s completely free. Jim‘s bringing Vision rods & RIO flylines for you to try, doing bits of technique demos and giving out useful tips while anglers try the rods & lines. Bring your own rod if you want Jim to help you match up a new line. It isn’t a tuition day. You can pop in and learn just by watching Jim advise others. No pressure, just a completely relaxed time. Pass the word if you can please - and fingers crossed for some decent weather! (Just a reminder there’s no fishing that day and also just to remind that we don’t allow dogs - sorry). Looking forward to a great day!!

Posted 15th March 2022

Sandra's Clear Covid

Good News! Jubilee Lakes and Anglers Lodge tackle shop will be open again this Thursday (17th). Back to normal. Open Thursday & Friday, 10 until 4pm and Saturday 10 until 2pm. I’ve had two clear tests but poor Dave is still testing positive - so unless he gets two clear tests you won’t be seeing him on Thursday- he’ll still be under house arrest!!!

Posted 9th March 2022

Covid Test

Jubilee Lakes & Anglers Lodge Tackle tackle shop will remain closed for another week. I took a covid test last Friday which was positive and we both had exactly the same symptoms but we’ve been testing since Monday this week with a view to opening tomorrow and Dave’s tests have been clear. This morning though we’ve both tested positive and though we’ve both been poorly all week we think Dave’s actually just started to test positive today. We are really sorry to disappoint everyone but hope to open next Thursday 17th now. Please order online if you need anything and hope to be back to normal soon. Hope you’re all managing to keep clear of it though I don’t think we could have tried much harder to avoid it!

Posted 7th March

We tested positive for covid on Friday but hoped the fishing and shop would be back to normal by Thursday but not certain now so please keep checking here for updates or telephone for an up to date answerphone message on 01388772611.

Posted 4th March

Unfortunately we have covid and so the shop & lakes will now remain closed until Thursday 10th then as below. Apologies!

Posted 2nd March 2022

Out of hibernation

Don't forget the shop & fishing lakes are re-opening this Thursday the 3rd of March. We are officially coming out of our winter hibernation!! Opening times Thursdays & Fridays 10-4pm & Saturdays 10-2pm. See you soon!! Dave, Sandra & Angie

Posted 28th December 2021

Latest update on winter dates, times etc....

We'll begin our winter break from Sunday 19th December and continue through January and February. As usual we'll be shipping online orders for tackle & tying materials every day there's a postal service available. Wishing you all the very best. Dave & Sandra

Posted 7th December 2021

An update on winter dates, times etc....

Lakes and tackle shop are open this week and next as usual, Thursdays and Fridays from 10 until four and Saturdays from 10 until two but after that we'll begin our winter break from Sunday 19th December and continue through the cold dark days of January and February. (As usual we'll be shipping online orders every day there's a postal service available). 

Keep you all updated. Dave & Sandra

Posted later 15th April 2021

Lovely days fishing with quite a few caught. Anglers said the trout were in lovely full finned condition - we're happy! Trout caught on Hare's Ear, both dry & nymphs, daddy long legs & wicked white buzzers.

Posted 15th April 2021

Just re-opened and first trout caught was by Alan Corr from Wingate on his now famous pattern, the Wicked White. See images below. Not a monster but in lovely condition and quickly followed buy others. Good start!

Great to be open again. We closed on around the 20th March 2020 but had pretty much been closed from Christmas 2019 with out January break followed by bad weather so really closed for more like 16 months!

LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE to begin with and so best to book rather than just turn up or at least phone in advance. You can telephone 01388772611 between 10a.m & 1pm (except Sundays & Bank Hols) to book or leave your name & phone number outside those hours & we'll contact to confirm. Please note the Lakes will not be stocked during the first week we are open - we want to see how they'll fish having been closed for a very long year!! Shop will be open the same hours as the Lakes but with only three in the shop at a time and social distancing, masks etc. Better than being closed though!

Please go to the Tickets page on this site for times charges & full info.

Alan & Graham

Alan & trout

Posted 18th March 2020

OK Folks life is a bit of a nightmare at the moment!

Sorry for the lack of updates but Mam, who is a pretty fit (but stroppy) 92 year old has had a bit of a set back lately, so we've had to get her sorted out. And now the Coronovirus!

Our lakes have no ceiling or walls so they are the ideal place for you for perfect Coronovirus peace & quiet. As for the the Tackle Shop all we will ask is that you pop on the disposable gloves we supply as you come in. You can keep them as you leave or pop them in our bin. The windows and door in the shop will be open at all times so plenty of fresh air. We don't want to risk the virus so as much as we want you to visit all we would ask is that you order online at if you have a cough or temperature or you or your family have been abroad this last two weeks. Keep well and see you soon. Sandra, Dave & Angie.

Posted 3rd January 2020

An absolutely cracking days fishing today best patterns being green & black lures. Tomorrow is the last day that the the lakes and the shop will be open, (9a.m. to 2p.m). After that we are closed until Wednesday 5th February though we'll still be dispatching online orders every day as usual while we are closed. If there's anything you need or you'd like to cast a line then tomorrow is the day - and although the weather will be chilly maybe it won't be as cold as the day this photo of the lakes was taken in February 2008!

Icy Lakes

Note: Online orders will be dispatched Monday to Friday as normal throughout the dates the shop & fishing lakes are closed.
Open Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd & Saturday 4th January 9a.m to 2p.m.

Closed then until Wednesday 5th February 2020. From then we revert back to our normal Winter opening hours to clocks change in March: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9a.m to 2p.m. Closed Sunday, Monday & Tuesday. 


Posted 19th December 2019

The lakes and shop are open until Saturday December 21st from 9a.m to 2p.m. then closed until Thursday 2nd Jan to Saturday 4th - then closed until Wednesday 5th February. Hours are from 9a.m to 2p.m.

Though the shop will be closed we'll still continue to dispatch online orders every working day as usual.


Jim Fearn from Rio, Sage, Vision etc will be here this coming Friday 13th September, and doing his one to one casting lessons - Spey, Switch or Single hand trout. Not to be missed - Jim is the man who examines the APGAI instructors - great teacher! You'll enjoy your lesson and beginners and advanced casters will gain a lot from it. It's also a good opportunity to get his advice on matching lines to rods etc. He has one hour slots available throughout the day but spaces go quickly. Get in touch here for prices & times and preferably give us your telephone number or phone us on 01388772611 or email on
Image below - Jim demonstrating at one of our Open Days.

Jim at our Open Day


Wednesday 19th July

Sedge 1   Sedge 2

Cheeky sedge on our shop window - its imitating our Fulling Mill Goddard's Sedge!!

Saturday 4th May

Fishing is a bit up and down with the changeable weather but Daddies, Emergers and Black Beetles have been pretty successful. The Wicked white buzzer and Diawl Bach have also done well and failing that try the White Nomad. Good one to fall back on! 

Friday 19th April

Good Friday today - we are open until 5p.m. as usual and will be open tomorrow, Saturday 20th from 9a.m to 3p.m (normal Saturday hours. Also a reminder that it's our Open Day a week on Saturday, the 27th April from 10a.m to 2p.m. No fishing that day, sorry!

Thursday 11th April 2019

Not a bad trout for Phil Totten from Lanchester. 12lb 8oz and caught on a Diawl Bach - one of the best catching patterns at the moment together with buzzers, emergers and small sedge patterns. Cat's Whisker also catching well. Sneaky bit of advertising here - Phil's stood in front of our shop sign. Our Open Day is last Saturday this month, 27th April from 10a.m to 2p.m. More details to follow. All welcome.

P Totten & 12lb 8oz trout

Saturday 9th February 2019

We've had the Lakes ice free for the last two days and anglers have been able to fish at last. We've only had five anglers fish because of the strong winds but even though the weather was against us it's fished really well with anglers averaging five a rod. Not bad when it was pretty tricky getting a cast in for the wind. Best patterns have been the Black & Green Tadpole and the Bloodworm. 

Thursday 31st January 2019

Lakes at 9.30 this morning....

Jubilee lakes

5th January 2019

Last week was pretty slow for fishing until Saturday when we had the Parkers down from Consett. Those lads are used to the cold weather and caught well though they had to fish slow & deep on a cheese coloured egg fly.

30th December 2018

Our Grandkids and visitors have all gone home and feet up at last. Hope you’ve all had a peaceful and happy Christmas and are ready to enjoy the start of the New Year. Have a lovely end to this year and all the vey best. Dave, Sandra & Angie.

Jubilee LakesJust had to attach this image from November 2006 - well we've been here a very long time - 30 years in fact. Hope you've had an absolutely brilliant Christmas and just a reminder - please don't forget the Shop & Lakes are closed until 9am Wednesday the 2nd of January, don't want you to waste a journey.

All the very best to you and your families for 2019.

Dave & Sandra


Wednesday 19th December

Lakes are fishing really well - just get wrapped up to keep warm & dry! The trout don't mind this weather. Lakes have been averaging over 5 per rod and this last week has been around the same. These averages are for trout caught on 4 hour tickets and without strike indicators - bit of proper fishing not the whimpy stuff. Best patterns this week have been small - Diawl Bachs & orange buzzers plus a few beasts such as the ever popular orange blob, olive snake etc.

Christmas dates as follows for shop & lakes -

Open this week - Wed 19th, Thurs 20th, Friday 21st from 9 to 3p.m. & Saturday 22nd Dec 9a.m. to 1p.m.

Open again Wed 2nd Jan, Thurs 3rd, Fri 4th from 9 to 3p.m. & then Saturday 5th Jan from 9a.m. to 1p.m. Closed then until 9a.m. on Wednesday 30th January.

Note: Online orders as normal throughout post permitting.


Fake Fly Lines 

If you've bought a flyline from eBay, a Rio, Snowbee, Hardy or Greys, and you've been disappointed then click on the image below to find out why!!

  Fake lines

If you want to buy the real thing visit our website for details at


Updated Monday 26th November

Sorry it's been a while but since we started C&R there are no good fishy photo's. Not half as interesting!

Anyway the fishing has been good and especially this last week. Black lures, orange blobs, Diawl Bachs, amber or pink worms and muddlers have done well. Overall though if the weather has been a bit warmer especially on an afternoon the trout have been coming up in the water and taking on dries especially the daddy and F Fly.

Don't forget we're on winter opening now - Wed, Thurs, Fri & Saturday from 9a.m to 3p.m.

And don't forget when your Mam asks what colour socks you want for Christmas - we have our Gift Vouchers. You can use them for fishing or for tackle and all Mam has to do is give us a ring 01388772611 while shop is open or Order Vouchers Online. Postage is free. Dead easy!

Gift Vouchers

Monday 29th October

Just a reminder that with the clocks changing our opening times have changed. The days we are open remain the same, Wednesday through Saturday but hours on the fishery and in the tackle shop are now 9a.m through to 3p.m.

Also this is a link to Willington Angling Clubs 2018 Grayling Day to be held on November 11th 2018. Anglers are asked to register their interest early as this is a very popular event.

Wednesday 24th October

Nice little trout for Philip Totten from Lanchester. Weighing in at 8lb 12oz it was caught on a white snake. Phil also had another nine trout caught on the snake, olive zonker and orange blob. Blyth Palmer also had a good day with 11 trout on a black zonker with a touch of UV. Ideal for getting the trout's attention on a bright day. Other anglers caught on bloodworm, Dawsons & dry daddies.

Philip Totten with 8lb 12oz rainbow

Saturday 20th October

Some good fishing at Jubilee Lakes this week. Brian Wallace (below) landed a 3lb 11oz and a 3lb 5oz and returned another 8 trout. Caught on Grey Zonkers and then on Diawl Bach.

Brian Wallace

Other Important News from the Local fishing Clubs -

This is a link to Willington Angling Clubs 2018 Grayling Day to be held on November 11th 2018. Arrangements will be similar to 2017 and anglers are asked to register their interest early as this is a very popular event.

Important one for salmon anglers - Event organised on the R. Tees by Olly Shepherd of Fly Fishing Yorkshire when many of the clubs open their doors to non members allowing them to fish to gauge the salmon population on the Tees. This will be held Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th October. It is important to register with Olly for this event - Tel: 07850 506870 or Email: Facebook:

Wednesday 17th October

Lance Roberts with 3lb 7oz trout he caught today on an Olive Zonker. Trout were down taking on blobs & bonkers - they don't always appreciate the sunshine!

Just to mention that with the clocks changing shortly our times will be changing. The days we are open remain the same, Wednesday through Saturday but hours change on the fishery and in the tackle shop to 9a.m through to 3p.m. We'll update on Christmas Opening nearer the time. 


Lance Roberts with 3lb 7oz trout he caught today

Wednesday 6th September

Nice 6lb rainbow caught by Mr J Singlewood from Darlington on a Black Snake. Others were catching on natural zonkers and especially on the top lake from mid morning dry flies and emergers. Excellent days fishing with plenty fish caught and plenty lost off - they're pretty fit!J Singlewood 6lb Rainbow

Friday 31st August

Fishing is really starting to pick up with the cooler nights and shorter days. Blyth Palmer, (below), Alan Proud, Phil Totten, Rob King, Richard Dawson and others have all done well - some on lures such as the black or white zonker but mainly on the dries especially daddies and sedges. Just what you would expect in September.

Wednesday 29th August

Blyth Palmer was on form as usual today. He caught the biggest trout we've had taken this year. Weighing in at 11b it was caught on one of his own patterns. Good days fishing with a mix of lures such as the one Blyth used and Daddy Long Legs. The CDC daddy was very effective.

Blyth Palmer

Blyths pattern Blyth's zonker with just a bit of UV tinsel at the tail.


Saturday August 25th

Derek Parker ticed 7lb 12oz out on an Olive Blob plus another seven trout on a mix of the olive blob and eggstacsy blob. Not one of the prettiest trout we've seen but it was certainly lively. Even so our trout have done pretty well through the summer probably because of our lovely spring fed lakes.

D Parker last

We've had Dave doing some housekeeping.....

Giving the top lake a bit of a blitz - well drinking tea!

Dave & Top Lake

Friday 10th August

Nice one for Wayne Best from Shildon. Nothing doing but then he changed to a pattern he uses as he is back up. A simple black & white pattern. Missed two then latched into a nice 9 pounder. Happy man!!!

Wayne Best 9lb   Wayne's pattern

Thursday 9th August

Great start to the day. Max Duffy from Middlesbrough is pretty new to the fly fishing but him & Dad have both had 3 pounders this morning. Caught on an olive on an intermediate line.

Max Duffy & trout

Jubilee Update Saturday 28th July

The weather has certainly changed this last week. Now a much cooler and much fresher. There are certainly plenty of trout moving around and it's looking good for opening on Wednesday morning. Catching this week - buzzers, bloodworm, yellow dancer daddy long legs and damsel nymphs. Lakes are good and no problem at all with weed or algae.

Jubilee Update Saturday 14th July

Fishing much better this week with some very slightly cooler and breezier weather.

Lakes and trout look great and benefit from our cool incoming water. The usual cdc emergers, daddies, hoppers, gold head damsels doing well and deeper the orange blob and black tadpole type lure.

Mr B Trewen from Middlesbrough did well taking 2 trout including the 3lb 7oz in the image on a gold head damsel and returning a couple as well.

                  B Trewen

Jubilee Update Saturday 7th July

The weather hasn't changed much which is a bit of a shame. Still the same patterns catching - orange blob or lure or weighted nymph fished deeper or as more typical at this time of year the damsel nymph, CDC shuttlecock buzzers and daddies.

One of the anglers, Ron Bryden from Bishop Auckland summed up one of the trout's favourite meals at the moment - the baby frog (or toad). We have millions of both on the lakes at the moment and the trout aren't holding back!

Bit cooler today so fingers crossed for some decent fishing this week. Lakes are pretty much free of weed so all good.


Jubilee Update Saturday 30th June

Sorry it's been a while since the last report but I just seemed to be repeating myself. Not too surprising really since this is our thirtieth Summer here at Jubilee Lakes and in fact the twenty-fifth year for the tackle shop here.

Just an update though to say that the fishing is going pretty well considering the weather. We are having no problem with weed or algae, the lakes look good and the trout are healthy and on good form.

Best patterns have been the Daddy, F Fly, Pink Bloodworm, Czech Nymph and strangely an orange lure but fished on an intermediate line. It's rare you need anything more than a floating line on here but Alan Proud from Redcar found this technique pretty effective and when more typical summer patterns haven't worked this has been a good one to fall back on to.

I haven't been giving the usual early morning weather update and won't during the Summer unless anything drastic happens with the weather. It's a bit monotonous at the moment - sunny, sunny, more sunny. With a bit of luck the weather will cool off a bit shortly - we've had a few fried anglers lately!

Tuesday 15th May

The weather is certainly warm now and plenty of anglers are out fishing. Trout are being very well behaved and though some anglers are still using the blob, dancer, zonker etc the trout are taking high up on the water.

The hawthorne fly has been very effective this week and again the shuttlecock type patterns and shipmans whether dressed with CDC or with foam to make them float high in the water.

Some very good fish into double figures returned this week and some nice ones taken.

Images are of Stuart Hicks from Middlesbrough with a trout of 4lb 4oz caught on a Montana. Blyth Palmer with a 4 pounder and Mike Raine with a trout of 3lb 8oz caught on a parachute buzzer - everyone looking nice and tanned and the trout weren't bad either!

Can we just mention that there is no fishing this Saturday 19th. It's our open day from approx 10a.m to 2.30pm - all welcome. Hoping the good weather will continue for it.

Stuart Hicks  

Stuart Hicks

Blyth Palmer Mike Raine

Blyth Palmer (left)  & Mike Raine (right)


Monday 7th May

Hot, sunny but a lovely weeks fishing mainly on patterns like the black diawl bach, klinkhammers, shuttlecock buzzers & hawthorne flies particularly on the top lake once the day warmed up a bit. Damsel nymphs bloodworm and blobs have also been effective.

Young Daniel Skelton from Darlington aided by his uncle Terry Young managed a nice little trout of around 2 1/2lbs but there have been quite a few good trout returned this week.


Also just a reminder - our Open Day will be on May 19th from 10.30a.m to 2.30p.m. 

Hardy, Rio, Vision & Greys will all be here with a great range of rods & lines to try. Switch & double handed casting demos from Jim Fearn from Rio/ Vision. Well worth coming along even if it's just to bring your own flyrod to match up a flyline. 

Monday 23rd April

This better weather has made a real change to the fishing with many more trout being taken on the surface.

Traditional dries like the Whickhams have been very effective but CDC Emergers, foam shipmans, foam supender buzzers and elk hair caddis have all worked well. Still worth keeping a second rod set up though or at least your lure box just in case you need a blob or zonker should the sun go in and the wind turns cooler.

Mr Tom Cutmore from Chester le Street took a nice trout of around 4lb on a buzzer.